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You're working on a secret team solving coded transmissions.

Your team is scrambling to decipher a recent message, worried it's a plot to break into a major European National Cake Vault. The message has been mostly deciphered, but all the words are backward! Your colleagues have handed off the last step to you.

Write a function reverse_words() that takes a message as a list of characters and reverses the order of the words in place.

An in-place function modifies data structures or objects outside of its own stack frame


The call stack is what a program uses to keep track of function calls. The call stack is made up of stack frames—one for each function call.

For instance, say we called a function that rolled two dice and printed the sum.

  def roll_die():
    return random.randint(1, 6)

def roll_two_and_sum():
    total = 0
    total += roll_die()
    total += roll_die()


First, our program calls roll_two_and_sum(). It goes on the call stack:


That function calls roll_die(), which gets pushed on to the top of the call stack:


Inside of roll_die(), we call random.randint(). Here's what our call stack looks like then:


When random.randint() finishes, we return back to roll_die() by removing ("popping") random.randint()'s stack frame.


Same thing when roll_die() returns:


We're not done yet! roll_two_and_sum() calls roll_die() again:


Which calls random.randint() again:


random.randint() returns, then roll_die() returns, putting us back in roll_two_and_sum():


Which calls print()():


What's stored in a stack frame?

What actually goes in a function's stack frame?

A stack frame usually stores:

  • Local variables
  • Arguments passed into the function
  • Information about the caller's stack frame
  • The return address—what the program should do after the function returns (i.e.: where it should "return to"). This is usually somewhere in the middle of the caller's code.

Some of the specifics vary between processor architectures. For instance, AMD64 (64-bit x86) processors pass some arguments in registers and some on the call stack. And, ARM processors (common in phones) store the return address in a special register instead of putting it on the call stack.

The Space Cost of Stack Frames

Each function call creates its own stack frame, taking up space on the call stack. That's important because it can impact the space complexity of an algorithm. Especially when we use recursion.

For example, if we wanted to multiply all the numbers between 11 and nn, we could use this recursive approach:

  def product_1_to_n(n):
    return 1 if n <= 1 else n * product_1_to_n(n - 1)

What would the call stack look like when n = 10?

First, product_1_to_n() gets called with n = 10:

    product_1_to_n()    n = 10

This calls product_1_to_n() with n = 9.

    product_1_to_n()    n = 9
    product_1_to_n()    n = 10

Which calls product_1_to_n() with n = 8.

    product_1_to_n()    n = 8
    product_1_to_n()    n = 9
    product_1_to_n()    n = 10

And so on until we get to n = 1.

    product_1_to_n()    n = 1
    product_1_to_n()    n = 2
    product_1_to_n()    n = 3
    product_1_to_n()    n = 4
    product_1_to_n()    n = 5
    product_1_to_n()    n = 6
    product_1_to_n()    n = 7
    product_1_to_n()    n = 8
    product_1_to_n()    n = 9
    product_1_to_n()    n = 10

Look at the size of all those stack frames! The entire call stack takes up O(n)O(n) space. That's right—we have an O(n)O(n) space cost even though our function itself doesn't create any data structures!

What if we'd used an iterative approach instead of a recursive one?

  def product_1_to_n(n):
    # We assume n >= 1
    result = 1
    for num in range(1, n + 1):
        result *= num

    return result

This version takes a constant amount of space. At the beginning of the loop, the call stack looks like this:

    product_1_to_n()    n = 10, result = 1, num = 1

As we iterate through the loop, the local variables change, but we stay in the same stack frame because we don't call any other functions.

    product_1_to_n()    n = 10, result = 2, num = 2

    product_1_to_n()    n = 10, result = 6, num = 3

    product_1_to_n()    n = 10, result = 24, num = 4

In general, even though the compiler or interpreter will take care of managing the call stack for you, it's important to consider the depth of the call stack when analyzing the space complexity of an algorithm.

Be especially careful with recursive functions! They can end up building huge call stacks.

What happens if we run out of space? It's a stack overflow! In Python 3.6, you'll get a RecursionError.

If the very last thing a function does is call another function, then its stack frame might not be needed any more. The function could free up its stack frame before doing its final call, saving space.

This is called tail call optimization (TCO). If a recursive function is optimized with TCO, then it may not end up with a big call stack.

In general, most languages don't provide TCO. Scheme is one of the few languages that guarantee tail call optimization. Some Ruby, C, and Javascript implementations may do it. Python and Java decidedly don't.

(i.e.: stored on the process heap or in the stack frame of a calling function). Because of this, the changes made by the function remain after the call completes.

In-place algorithms are sometimes called destructive, since the original input is "destroyed" (or modified) during the function call.

Careful: "In-place" does not mean "without creating any additional variables!" Rather, it means "without creating a new copy of the input." In general, an in-place function will only create additional variables that are O(1)O(1) space.

An out-of-place function doesn't make any changes that are visible to other functions. Usually, those functions copy any data structures or objects before manipulating and changing them.

In many languages, primitive values (integers, floating point numbers, or characters) are copied when passed as arguments, and more complex data structures (lists, heaps, or hash tables) are passed by reference. This is what Python does.

Here are two functions that do the same operation on a list, except one is in-place and the other is out-of-place:

  def square_list_in_place(int_list):
    for index, element in enumerate(int_list):
        int_list[index] *= element

    # NOTE: no need to return anything - we modified
    # int_list in place

def square_list_out_of_place(int_list):
    # We allocate a new list with the length of the input list
    squared_list = [None] * len(int_list)

    for index, element in enumerate(int_list):
        squared_list[index] = element ** 2

    return squared_list

Working in-place is a good way to save time and space. An in-place algorithm avoids the cost of initializing or copying data structures, and it usually has an O(1)O(1) space cost.

But be careful: an in-place algorithm can cause side effects. Your input is "destroyed" or "altered," which can affect code outside of your function. For example:

  original_list = [2, 3, 4, 5]

print("original list: %s" % original_list)
# Prints: original list: [4, 9, 16, 25], confusingly!

Generally, out-of-place algorithms are considered safer because they avoid side effects. You should only use an in-place algorithm if you're space constrained or you're positive you don't need the original input anymore, even for debugging.

Why a list of characters instead of a string?

The goal of this question is to practice manipulating strings in place. Since we're modifying the message, we need a mutable

A mutable object can be changed after it's created, and an immutable object can't.

For example, lists are mutable in Python:

  int_list  = [4, 9]

int_list[0] = 1
# int_list is now [1, 9]
Python 2.7

And tuples are immutable:

  int_tuple = (4, 9)

int_tuple[0] = 1
# Raises: TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
Python 2.7

Strings can be mutable or immutable depending on the language.

Strings are immutable in Python:

  test_string = 'mutable?'

test_string[7] = '!'
# Raises: TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
Python 2.7

But in some other languages, like Ruby, strings are mutable:

  test_string = 'mutable?'

test_string[7] = '!'
# test_string is now 'mutable!'

Mutable objects are nice because you can make changes in-place, without allocating a new object. But be careful—whenever you make an in-place change to an object, all references to that object will now reflect the change.

type like a list, instead of Python 3.6's immutable strings.

For example:

  message = [ 'c', 'a', 'k', 'e', ' ',
            'p', 'o', 'u', 'n', 'd', ' ',
            's', 't', 'e', 'a', 'l' ]


# Prints: 'steal pound cake'

When writing your function, assume the message contains only letters and spaces, and all words are separated by one space.


We can do this in O(1)O(1) space. Remember, in place.

An in-place function modifies data structures or objects outside of its own stack frame


The call stack is what a program uses to keep track of function calls. The call stack is made up of stack frames—one for each function call.

For instance, say we called a function that rolled two dice and printed the sum.

  def roll_die():
    return random.randint(1, 6)

def roll_two_and_sum():
    total = 0
    total += roll_die()
    total += roll_die()


First, our program calls roll_two_and_sum(). It goes on the call stack:


That function calls roll_die(), which gets pushed on to the top of the call stack:


Inside of roll_die(), we call random.randint(). Here's what our call stack looks like then:


When random.randint() finishes, we return back to roll_die() by removing ("popping") random.randint()'s stack frame.


Same thing when roll_die() returns:


We're not done yet! roll_two_and_sum() calls roll_die() again:


Which calls random.randint() again:


random.randint() returns, then roll_die() returns, putting us back in roll_two_and_sum():


Which calls print()():


What's stored in a stack frame?

What actually goes in a function's stack frame?

A stack frame usually stores:

  • Local variables
  • Arguments passed into the function
  • Information about the caller's stack frame
  • The return address—what the program should do after the function returns (i.e.: where it should "return to"). This is usually somewhere in the middle of the caller's code.

Some of the specifics vary between processor architectures. For instance, AMD64 (64-bit x86) processors pass some arguments in registers and some on the call stack. And, ARM processors (common in phones) store the return address in a special register instead of putting it on the call stack.

The Space Cost of Stack Frames

Each function call creates its own stack frame, taking up space on the call stack. That's important because it can impact the space complexity of an algorithm. Especially when we use recursion.

For example, if we wanted to multiply all the numbers between 11 and nn, we could use this recursive approach:

  def product_1_to_n(n):
    return 1 if n <= 1 else n * product_1_to_n(n - 1)

What would the call stack look like when n = 10?

First, product_1_to_n() gets called with n = 10:

    product_1_to_n()    n = 10

This calls product_1_to_n() with n = 9.

    product_1_to_n()    n = 9
    product_1_to_n()    n = 10

Which calls product_1_to_n() with n = 8.

    product_1_to_n()    n = 8
    product_1_to_n()    n = 9
    product_1_to_n()    n = 10

And so on until we get to n = 1.

    product_1_to_n()    n = 1
    product_1_to_n()    n = 2
    product_1_to_n()    n = 3
    product_1_to_n()    n = 4
    product_1_to_n()    n = 5
    product_1_to_n()    n = 6
    product_1_to_n()    n = 7
    product_1_to_n()    n = 8
    product_1_to_n()    n = 9
    product_1_to_n()    n = 10

Look at the size of all those stack frames! The entire call stack takes up O(n)O(n) space. That's right—we have an O(n)O(n) space cost even though our function itself doesn't create any data structures!

What if we'd used an iterative approach instead of a recursive one?

  def product_1_to_n(n):
    # We assume n >= 1
    result = 1
    for num in range(1, n + 1):
        result *= num

    return result

This version takes a constant amount of space. At the beginning of the loop, the call stack looks like this:

    product_1_to_n()    n = 10, result = 1, num = 1

As we iterate through the loop, the local variables change, but we stay in the same stack frame because we don't call any other functions.

    product_1_to_n()    n = 10, result = 2, num = 2

    product_1_to_n()    n = 10, result = 6, num = 3

    product_1_to_n()    n = 10, result = 24, num = 4

In general, even though the compiler or interpreter will take care of managing the call stack for you, it's important to consider the depth of the call stack when analyzing the space complexity of an algorithm.

Be especially careful with recursive functions! They can end up building huge call stacks.

What happens if we run out of space? It's a stack overflow! In Python 3.6, you'll get a RecursionError.

If the very last thing a function does is call another function, then its stack frame might not be needed any more. The function could free up its stack frame before doing its final call, saving space.

This is called tail call optimization (TCO). If a recursive function is optimized with TCO, then it may not end up with a big call stack.

In general, most languages don't provide TCO. Scheme is one of the few languages that guarantee tail call optimization. Some Ruby, C, and Javascript implementations may do it. Python and Java decidedly don't.

(i.e.: stored on the process heap or in the stack frame of a calling function). Because of this, the changes made by the function remain after the call completes.

In-place algorithms are sometimes called destructive, since the original input is "destroyed" (or modified) during the function call.

Careful: "In-place" does not mean "without creating any additional variables!" Rather, it means "without creating a new copy of the input." In general, an in-place function will only create additional variables that are O(1)O(1) space.

An out-of-place function doesn't make any changes that are visible to other functions. Usually, those functions copy any data structures or objects before manipulating and changing them.

In many languages, primitive values (integers, floating point numbers, or characters) are copied when passed as arguments, and more complex data structures (lists, heaps, or hash tables) are passed by reference. This is what Python does.

Here are two functions that do the same operation on a list, except one is in-place and the other is out-of-place:

  def square_list_in_place(int_list):
    for index, element in enumerate(int_list):
        int_list[index] *= element

    # NOTE: no need to return anything - we modified
    # int_list in place

def square_list_out_of_place(int_list):
    # We allocate a new list with the length of the input list
    squared_list = [None] * len(int_list)

    for index, element in enumerate(int_list):
        squared_list[index] = element ** 2

    return squared_list

Working in-place is a good way to save time and space. An in-place algorithm avoids the cost of initializing or copying data structures, and it usually has an O(1)O(1) space cost.

But be careful: an in-place algorithm can cause side effects. Your input is "destroyed" or "altered," which can affect code outside of your function. For example:

  original_list = [2, 3, 4, 5]

print("original list: %s" % original_list)
# Prints: original list: [4, 9, 16, 25], confusingly!

Generally, out-of-place algorithms are considered safer because they avoid side effects. You should only use an in-place algorithm if you're space constrained or you're positive you don't need the original input anymore, even for debugging.

We can do this in O(n)O(n) time.

If you're swapping individual words one at a time, consider what happens when the words are different lengths. Isn't each swap O(n)O(n) time in the worst case?


Let’s start with a simpler problem. What if we wanted to reverse all the characters in the message?

Well, we could swap the first character with the last character, then the second character with the second to last character, and so on, moving towards the middle. Can you implement this in code?

  def reverse_characters(message):
    left_index = 0
    right_index = len(message) - 1

    # Walk towards the middle, from both sides
    while left_index < right_index:
        # Swap the left char and right char
        message[left_index], message[right_index] = \
            message[right_index], message[left_index]
        left_index  += 1
        right_index -= 1

We're using a cute one-liner to do the swap. In other languages you might need to do the swap by hand, recording one of the values in a temp variable.

Ok, looks good. Does this help us?

Can we use the same concept but apply it to words instead of characters?

Probably. We'll have to figure out a couple things:

  1. How do we figure out where words begin and end?
  2. Once we know the start and end indices of two words, how do we swap those two words?

We could attack either of those first, but I'm already seeing a potential problem in terms of runtime. Can you guess what it is?

What happens when you swap two words that aren't the same length?

  # the eagle has landed
[ 't', 'h', 'e', ' ', 'e', 'a', 'g', 'l', 'e', ' ',
  'h', 'a', 's', ' ', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'd', 'e', 'd' ]

Supposing we already knew the start and end indices of 'the' and 'landed', how long would it take to swap them?

O(n)O(n) time, where nn is the total length of the message!

Why? Notice that in addition to moving 'the' to the back and moving 'landed' to the front, we have to "scoot over" everything in between, since 'landed' is longer than 'the'.

So what'll be the total time cost with this approach? Assume we'll be able to learn the start and end indices of all of our words in just one pass (O(n)O(n) time).

O(n2)O(n^2) total time. Why? In the worst case we have almost as many words as we have characters, and we're always swapping words of different lengths. For example:

  # a bb c dd e ff g hh
[ 'a', ' ', 'b', 'b', ' ', 'c', ' ', 'd', 'd', ' ',
  'e', ' ', 'f', 'f', ' ', 'g', ' ', 'h', 'h' ]

We take O(n)O(n) time to swap the first and last words (we have to move all nn characters):

  # Input: a bb c dd e ff g hh
[ 'a', ' ', 'b', 'b', ' ', 'c', ' ', 'd', 'd', ' ',
  'e', ' ', 'f', 'f', ' ', 'g', ' ', 'h', 'h' ]

# First swap: hh bb c dd e ff g a
[ 'h', 'h', ' ', 'b', 'b', ' ', 'c', ' ', 'd', 'd',
  ' ', 'e', ' ', 'f', 'f', ' ', 'g', ' ', 'a' ]

Then for the second swap:

  # Input: a bb c dd e ff g hh
[ 'a', ' ', 'b', 'b', ' ', 'c', ' ', 'd', 'd', ' ',
  'e', ' ', 'f', 'f', ' ', 'g', ' ', 'h', 'h' ]

# First swap: hh bb c dd e ff g a
[ 'h', 'h', ' ', 'b', 'b', ' ', 'c', ' ', 'd', 'd',
  ' ', 'e', ' ', 'f', 'f', ' ', 'g', ' ', 'a' ]

# Second swap: hh g c dd e ff bb a
[ 'h', 'h', ' ', 'g', ' ', 'c', ' ', 'd', 'd',
  ' ', 'e', ' ', 'f', 'f', ' ', 'b', 'b', ' ', 'a' ]

We have to move all nn characters except the first and last words, and a couple spaces. So we move n5n-5 characters in total.

For the third swap, we have another 55 characters we don't have to move. So we move n10n-10 in total. We'll end up with a series like this:

n+(n5)+(n10)+(n15)+...+6+1 n + (n-5) + (n-10) + (n-15) + ... + 6 + 1

This is a subsection of the common triangular series.

A triangular series is a series of numbers where each number could be the row of an equilateral triangle.

So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is a triangular series, because you could stack the numbers like this:

Rows of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 circles to show how numbers in a triangular series can be stacked to form a triangle.

Their sum is 15, which makes 15 a triangular number.

A triangular series always starts with 1 and increases by 1 with each number.

Since the only thing that changes in triangular series is the value of the highest number, it’s helpful to give that a name. Let’s call it nn.

  # n is 8
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Triangular series are nice because no matter how large nn is, it’s always easy to find the total sum of all the numbers.

Take the example above. Notice that if we add the first and last numbers together, and then add the second and second-to-last numbers together, they have the same sum! This happens with every pair of numbers until we reach the middle. If we add up all the pairs of numbers, we get:

  1 + 8 = 9
2 + 7 = 9
3 + 6 = 9
4 + 5 = 9

This is true for every triangular series:

  1. Pairs of numbers on each side will always add up to the same value.
  2. That value will always be 1 more than the series’ nn.

This gives us a pattern. Each pair's sum is n+1n+1, and there are n2\frac{n}{2} pairs. So our total sum is: (n+1)n2(n + 1) * \frac{n}{2}


n2+n2\frac{n^2 + n}{2}

Ok, but does this work with triangular series with an odd number of elements? Yes. Let's say n=5n = 5. So if we calculate the sum by hand:


And if we use the formula, we get the same answer:

52+52=15\frac{5^2 + 5}{2}=15

One more thing:

What if we know the total sum, but we don't know the value of nn?

Let’s say we have:

1+2+3++(n2)+(n1)+n=781 + 2 + 3 + \ldots + (n - 2) + (n - 1) + n = 78

No problem. We just use our formula and set it equal to the sum!

n2+n2=78\frac{n^2 + n}{2}=78

Now, we can rearrange our equation to get a quadratic equation (remember those?)

n2+n=156n^2 + n = 156 n2+n156=0n^2 + n - 156 = 0

Here's the quadratic formula:


If you don't really remember how to use it, that's cool. You can just use an online calculator. We don't judge.

Taking the positive solution, we get n=12n = 12.

So for a triangular series, remember—the total sum is:

n2+n2\frac{n^2 + n}{2}

We're just skipping 4 terms between each term!

So we have the sum of "every fifth number" from that triangular series. That means our sum will be about a fifth the sum of the original series! But in big O notation dividing by 5 is a constant, so we can throw it out. The original triangular series is O(n2)O(n^2), and so is our series with every fifth element!

Okay, so O(n2)O(n^2) time. That's pretty bad. It's possible that's the best we can do...but maybe we can do better?

Let's try manipulating a sample input by hand.

And remember what we did for our character-level reversal...

Look what happens when we do a character-level reversal:

  # Input: the eagle has landed
[ 't', 'h', 'e', ' ', 'e', 'a', 'g', 'l', 'e', ' ',
  'h', 'a', 's', ' ', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'd', 'e', 'd' ]

# Character-reversed: dednal sah elgae eht
[ 'd', 'e', 'd', 'n', 'a', 'l', ' ', 's', 'a', 'h', ' ',
  'e', 'l', 'g', 'a', 'e', ' ', 'e', 'h', 't' ]

Notice anything?

What if we put it up against the desired output:

  # Input: the eagle has landed
[ 't', 'h', 'e', ' ', 'e', 'a', 'g', 'l', 'e', ' ',
  'h', 'a', 's', ' ', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'd', 'e', 'd' ]

# Character-reversed: dednal sah elgae eht
[ 'd', 'e', 'd', 'n', 'a', 'l', ' ', 's', 'a', 'h', ' ',
  'e', 'l', 'g', 'a', 'e', ' ', 'e', 'h', 't' ]

# Word-reversed (desired output): landed has eagle the
[ 'l', 'a', 'n', 'd', 'e', 'd', ' ', 'h', 'a', 's', ' ',
  'e', 'a', 'g', 'l', 'e', ' ', 't', 'h', 'e' ]

The character reversal reverses the words! It's a great first step. From there, we just have to "unscramble" each word.

More precisely, we just have to re-reverse each word!


We'll write a helper function reverse_characters() that reverses all the characters between a left_index and right_index. We use it to:

  1. Reverse all the characters in the entire message, giving us the correct word order but with each word backward.
  2. Reverse the characters in each individual word.
  def reverse_words(message):
    # First we reverse all the characters in the entire message
    reverse_characters(message, 0, len(message)-1)

    # This gives us the right word order
    # but with each word backward

    # Now we'll make the words forward again
    # by reversing each word's characters

    # We hold the index of the *start* of the current word
    # as we look for the *end* of the current word
    current_word_start_index = 0

    for i in range(len(message) + 1):
        # Found the end of the current word!
        if (i == len(message)) or (message[i] == ' '):
            reverse_characters(message, current_word_start_index, i - 1)
            # If we haven't exhausted the message our
            # next word's start is one character ahead
            current_word_start_index = i + 1

def reverse_characters(message, left_index, right_index):
    # Walk towards the middle, from both sides
    while left_index < right_index:
        # Swap the left char and right char
        message[left_index], message[right_index] = \
            message[right_index], message[left_index]
        left_index  += 1
        right_index -= 1


O(n)O(n) time and O(1)O(1) space!

Hmm, the team used your function to finish deciphering the message. There definitely seems to be a heist brewing, but no specifics on where. Any ideas?


How would you handle punctuation?

What We Learned

The naive solution of reversing the words one at a time had a worst-case O(n2)O(n^2) runtime. That's because swapping words with different lengths required "scooting over" all the other characters to make room.

To get around this "scooting over" issue, we reversed all the characters in the message first. This put all the words in the correct spots, but with the characters in each word backward. So to get the final answer, we reversed the characters in each word. This all takes two passes through the message, so O(n)O(n) time total.

This might seem like a blind insight, but we derived it by using a clear strategy:

Solve a simpler version of the problem (in this case, reversing the characters instead of the words), and see if that gets us closer to a solution for the original problem.

We talk about this strategy in the "get unstuck" section of our coding interview tips.

Do you have an answer?

Wanna review this one again later? Or do you feel like you got it all?

Mark as done Pin for review later
import unittest
def reverse_words(message):
# Decode the message by reversing the words
# Tests
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def test_one_word(self):
message = list('vault')
expected = list('vault')
self.assertEqual(message, expected)
def test_two_words(self):
message = list('thief cake')
expected = list('cake thief')
self.assertEqual(message, expected)
def test_three_words(self):
message = list('one another get')
expected = list('get another one')
self.assertEqual(message, expected)
def test_multiple_words_same_length(self):
message = list('rat the ate cat the')
expected = list('the cat ate the rat')

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